Homemade Turkey Gravy

For me, Thanksgiving comes only once a year.  So, when I prepare the meal, I take very few short cuts.  Gravy, to me, has to be rich and thick and definitely homemade.  You can prepare this recipe the day before and finish right before you serve.  After you taste this gravy, you will wonder why you ever bought gravy from a jar.  Thanks to my Momma!

In your local grocery store, search for either turkey thighs, wings, legs or a combination thereof.  I used turkey thighs for this recipe.  Heat to a medium high, 2 TBLS of butter and a TBLS of olive oil in a pan.  Season your turkey thighs with salt/pepper on both sides.  Dredge the thighs in a dusting of flour and add to the pan.  

Turkey thighs…

Brown both sides very well.  Be sure not to burn.  When turkey has browned, add 1/2 box of turkey or chicken stock.  I used turkey stock.  Start scraping the browned bits then turn heat down to medium to medium low.  Add about 4 whole stalks of celery.  Cover and allow to simmer for about an hour until the turkey is fully cooked.  Check about half way through and add a touch more stock if needed.  

Once the turkey is cooked, remove from pan along with the celery and discard.  Strain the liquid through a wire strainer twice.  I do this to ensure that no tiny bones are left in the gravy. Once strained, add liquid back into pan and scrap sides.  In a small bowl, make a cornstarch slurry.  Add about 2 TBLS of cornstarch to about 1 1/2 TBLS of liquid.  I used turkey stock as my liquid.  

Grab a whisk.  Turn heat up to medium high and slowly pour the cornstarch slurry in a little bit at a time.  You may not use the entire amount.  Whisk really fast as you are pouring in the slurry, so as to avoid lumps.  You will notice the gravy starting to thicken and become rich. Once the gravy has reached the desired consistency, no need to add more slurry.  Go slow with the slurry and fast with the whisk and be patient.  Turn off heat and serve with your homemade mashed potatoes and stuffing.  If you want to prepare the day ahead, cool down mixture after turkey is cooked then place entire pot in fridge.  In the morning, scrap off any excess fat, reheat, strain and follow up with the slurry.  


My Grandfather’s Stuffing (Dressing)

Thanksgiving for me is typically the only time of year that I make this amazing stuffing recipe. This recipe was handed down to me from my Mother who still has the handwritten recipe from my Grandfather.  Even though I never got to physically meet him, when I make this, it makes me feel nostalgic and close to him.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  It is definitely an old school preparation and takes time to prepare, but it is so worth it in the end.  

Start by browning one package of Jimmy Dean Sage Sausage.  While the sausage is browning, you want to start toasting 1 and 1/2 loaves of white bread.  I use a combination of the toaster and oven to speed up the process.  Once the bread has been toasted, start pulling it apart into pieces in a large deep bowl.  

Once the sausage has browned, remove from pan, drain any excess grease and place, in batches if you have to, in a food processor.  Pulse only about three times to break up the sausage.  Do not turn into a paste.  Should looks something like this when you are done processing.  

Cut three stalks of celery into tiny bits.  I am all about knife cuts and tend to like my veggies, in this preparation, cut really small.  Do the same with about 1/4 of a small white onion.  Feel free to add more onion if you would like.  I just do not like the onion flavor to overwhelm this dish. In the pan you browned the sausage, remove any remaining grease and add one stick of salted butter and the veggies.  Allow to soften for about 5 to 8 minutes…do not brown.  

Once the celery and onions have softened, add 2/3 of a box of stock to the pan.  I use turkey stock, but feel free to use chicken or even vegetable stock.  Allow to cook for a few minutes then add back the browned sausage.  The mixture does not look that appealing at this point, but I promise you…it will be fantastic!

Mixture of celery, onions, stock and sausage...
Mixture of celery, onions, stock and sausage…

Add about 2 TBLS of dried parsley to the bowl with the toasted bread, then pour the stock mixture on top and start combining. The best way I have found to do this, is with your clean hands.  Mixture should not be dry at this point…if it is just add a bit more stock and mix.  Allow the mixture to cool just enough to add one beaten egg.  Do not add the egg while it is too hot or it will scramble.  Mix the egg into the mixture.  You can then form into balls, place in buttered dish and bake on 375 for about 15 minutes and/or stuff your turkey.  I usually make both for Thanksgiving!