Charlotte Fashion Plate Homepage

Style, Beauty and Food

Charlotte Fashion Plate was founded and created by Melissa Latin to bring her keen eye for fashion and style, and her impeccable palate to Charlotte, North Carolina and around the globe.  Charlotte Fashion Plate unites Melissa’s passion for both fashion and food to create fun, trendy and affordable looks with easy to follow recipes and current food trends. 

Charlotte Fashion Plate’s style is comfortable and classy with a bit of edge.  Click the Shop tab above to shop Melissa’s style.  All items are handpicked by her…her motto:  “If I wouldn’t wear it, I won’t sell it!”  Do you need help updating wardrobe or need that perfect outfit for a special event? Learn more about our styling services for both men and women in the Style tab.

As a self-proclaimed “foodie”, Charlotte Fashion Plate will take you on an exciting tour of Charlotte’s hottest restaurants, eateries and markets. You will discover where to go, what to order, and what not to miss.  Be sure to follow Charlotte Fashion Plate for recipes that are simple, yet elegant.  Watch step-by-step cooking videos that will transform you into an awesome home chef.  You will be amazed at just how easy it is to make delicious meals in your very own kitchen.

Charlotte Fashion Plate is also dedicated to supporting local businesses in the Charlotte area.  We have and continue to collaborate with a number of local businesses and welcome businesses to contact us who may interested in forming alliances. 

A huge “Thank you” for all of your support over the past few months.  I’m super excited about the future of Charlotte Fashion Plate. 


Charlotte Fashion Plate!


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