My New Favorite Face, Body, and Lip Scrub

I had the pleasure of meeting Chandler Gongloff who represents Hunter Brookes last week at NCFA Style Week.  I received Hunter Brookes Skin Dirt and Lip service in my swag bag, both of which I immediately started using. The results have been amazing. 

Don’t let the name fool you, this product and it’s catchy name are going to be your new favorite too. Skin Dirt is a face and body sugar scrub handmade by Hunter Brookes a company in Charleston, South Carolina.  Hunter Brookes and their products were created by a group of women battling with skincare issues. Hunter Brookes makes skincare products from activated charcoal and Bentonite clay. 

Skin Dirt is made with active charcoal which is amazing for exfoliating the skin, clearing acne, lightening blemishes, detoxifying the skin, and removing blackheads.  I’ve notice my own skin is softer, smoother, and brighter.  My skin feels refreshed and really great to the touch. I’ve even noticed my makeup goes on better. Another great product from Hunter Brookes is their Lip Service lip scrub. It’s gentle enough for everyday use and help chapped lips and fine lines. 

It’s very important to me to support our local businesses. I only share products that I use and believe in. If you would like more information about Hunter Brookes and their products including a great discount of 10% OFF, use this CFPSCRUB coupon code at check out.