Fresh Scottish Salmon Papillote

Back at my favorite local places in Charlotte to get the freshest seafood, The Carolina Fish Market. Tonight’s dinner was done quick and easy and everything was from The Carolina Fish Market. This is Fresh Scottish Salmon in Papillote (parchment).

On a sheet of parchment paper place salmon seasoned with salt and pepper, olive oil, fresh herbs, lemon, and fresh asparagus. Fold parchment closed and bake in the oven for about 12 minutes. The Salmon and veggies will steam perfectly. For a bit of crunch I made my Rice Cakes to accompany the Salmon. 

For the Rice Cakes I was inspired by Futo Buto a Charlotte Ramen House. They have amazing food! For my version I take cooked rice and make into patties with a circle shape mold. I dust each with flour then dip into beaten egg, then back into Panko bread crumbs. Place them into the freezer for about 10 minutes to set. Then pan fry in canola oil until golden.  Dinner is served! This entire meal was easy to grab on the way home. Easy to prepare and under $10 a person. Thank you to The Carolina Fish Market!